Travel Bag from The Minimalists' Documentary

Travel Bag from The Minimalists' Documentary

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Publish Date:
November 26, 2020
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ABOUT THE BAG: We never planned to create a physical good. But after receiving more than a thousand messages about the discontinued travel bag in our documentary, MINIMALISM, we decided to partner with Malcolm Fontier, the man who created the original bag, to bring it back for a limited run.

The new version is called the Pakt One, made responsibly from sustainable materials and zero plastic packaging. This is the best bag we’ve ever used, and that’s why, after seven years as “The Minimalists,” it’s the first and only physical good that bears our name. If you’re interested in learning more, you can watch the video about the bag and learn more at

But let’s be clear: You probably don’t need a new bag. And if you don’t, then please don’t feel compelled to buy this one. Sure, it might make travel a little simpler, but no physical good is going to make your life happier or more complete. So, please consider this bag only if you need it and can afford it. Otherwise, let it go—it’s just a bag.

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